An open-source archive, collecting different samples and recipes of materials that will be used in the future (seaweed, shells, bioplastic, beeswax, kombucha etc.).


In 1984 the first Mac came out and Motorola launched the first cellphone. 
The role of the designer was to design for people and the design research was market based and focused on the “consumer”.
In 2044 the speculation is that Mac Donalds is no longer in the food business, arts and crafts will be “transgendered” and design will be practiced by everyone.
According to the reading “From Designing to Co-Designing to Collective Dreaming: Three Slices in Time” by Liz Sanders & Pieter Jan Stappers; the role of the designer will have a transformation in relation to the past. From focusing on the individual skill it will shift to serving the collective dream, in the future.
Who will design in the future?

The designers will continue researching and “will be the toolmakers, making the tools and providing the materials the rest of the people use to imagine and express the collective ideas about future experience. These toolmakers focus on making sense of the future as well as on giving shape to the future”.

In the future people will have small factories in their homes, where they will make and treat their own garments by using natural materials and waste.